The Family Martial Art




Rhee Tae Kwon-Do helps teens and young adults find their own identity. Joining Rhee Tae Kwon-Do allows teenagers to gain valuable tools to assist them through the adolescent years. Opportunities to create relationships with instructors and new friendships with other members.

We provide them with a motivating and inspirational atmosphere in which they learn to become leaders instead of followers.

They are given the opportunity to think for themselves and develop more Courage, Confidence, Self Respect and Humility which in turn allows them to make educated decisions instead of just “doing what everyone else does”.

All students learn the value and importance of education and get a taste of the satisfaction and happiness derived from helping others and succeeding in life. 

As parents we are often concerned about the influences that surround our teenager’s life. We are concerned about our teenagers making good decisions when they are with their peers. Safety is a priority as well as their ability to develop a healthy self-esteem. 


Rhee Tae Kwon-Do is regarded as one of the most dynamic, powerful and effective Arts of Self-Defense. During training, therefore, all techniques delivered by all parts of the body are properly executed and well controlled. This means there is no injury by uncontrolled blows during training, but you will learn how to deliver full-powered blows in defense of yourself or your family.

Ultimately, We Want Them To Be Happy 

Happy teenager equals happy home life.

We hope by choosing to join Rhee Tae Kwon-Do Students not only learn how to physically defend themselves, they also learn how to conduct themselves. 

This gives them the necessary skills to shape the rest of their life. This is why parents throughout Australia have enrolled their child into Rhee Tae Kwon-Do. 

Rhee Tae Kwon-Do has been in Australia for over 50 years under the guidance of World Master Chong Chul Rhee, who is the Father and Founder of Tae Kwon-Do in Australia. Master Rhee still visits the Fraser Coast Region four times per year, making sure that your child is receiving the highest possible instruction available in the World.